Health service delivery

Our core mission is to deliver essential healthcare services to underserved and vulnerable populations. We are committed to ensuring that everyone has access to quality health services, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographical location. Here’s how we achieve this:

Primary Healthcare

Accessibility and Comprehensive Care
Our primary healthcare services focus on providing comprehensive care at the community level. We offer a range of services including preventive care, treatment for common illnesses, maternal and child health, and chronic disease management. Our goal is to ensure that individuals receive timely and appropriate care to maintain their health and well-being.

Our Primary Healthcare Services Include:

  • Preventive Care: Immunizations, screenings, and health education.
  • Treatment: Medical consultations and treatments for common illnesses.
  • Maternal and Child Health: Prenatal care, childbirth support, and pediatric care.
  • Chronic Disease Management: Support and treatment for conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

Mobile Health Clinics

Bringing Care to Remote Areas
In many communities, access to healthcare facilities is limited. Our mobile health clinics are designed to reach these remote areas, providing essential medical services directly to those in need. These clinics are equipped with medical supplies and staffed by healthcare professionals who can offer a range of services from basic consultations to emergency care.

Our Mobile Health Clinics Offer:

  • Medical Consultations: Basic health check-ups and diagnostics.
  • Emergency Care: Immediate response for urgent health issues.
  • Health Education: Informing communities about health practices and prevention.

Specialized Health Services

Focused Care for Specific Needs
We recognize that certain populations require specialized care. Our services include sexual and reproductive health (SRHR), geriatric care, and mental health support. By providing targeted services, we address specific health needs and improve overall health outcomes for these groups.

Our Specialized Services Include:

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR): Family planning, prenatal care, and education.
  • Geriatric Care: Comprehensive health services for the elderly.
  • Mental Health Support: Counseling, therapy, and psychosocial support.

Health Education and Outreach

Empowering Communities with Knowledge
In addition to direct service delivery, we emphasize the importance of health education and outreach. By educating communities about health practices and disease prevention, we empower individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions.

Our Education and Outreach Efforts Include:

  • Workshops and Seminars: Covering a wide range of health topics.
  • Community Health Workers: Training local health workers to provide ongoing support.
  • Public Health Campaigns: Promoting healthy behaviors through various media.

Through our dedicated health service delivery programs, Light a Candle Health Initiative ensures that quality healthcare is accessible to all, especially those who need it most. Together, we can create healthier communities and a brighter future for everyone.

Get Involved

Now, it’s your turn.

Your support, in any form, is invaluable in helping us create healthier and more equitable communities. Together, we can light the way to a brighter future for all.